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Quick Knit Baby Toys kötés könyv

6.990 Ft
Gyártó: David and Charles

20 kezdő-barát minta kötött baba játékok számára

Elérhetőség: 3 db raktáron
Átlagos értékelés: Nem értékelt

Fizetés és szállítás >

SZÁLLÍTÁS: személyes átvétel, GLS futárszolgálat, GLS csomagpont, Packeta

GLS házhozszállítás: 1890 Ft
GLS csomagpont: 1290 Ft
30.000 Ft feletti rendelés esetén ingyenes.

Személyes bolti átvétel: ingyenes.
Szállítás egyes környező országokba Packeta »»

FIZETÉSI MÓDOK: online bankkártyás fizetés, előre utalás vagy utánvétes fizetés (utánvét díja: 450 Ft, csomagponton nem választható).

Leírás és Paraméterek

Mindent, amire az amigurumizáshoz szükséged lehet, megtalálsz itt. »»

The 20 dolls include animals and people and include a wide range of fun and colourful designs. Choose from one of the simpler designs like the very simple Baby and Bird patterns, through to more complicated designs like the King and the Fox.

The author has developed a clever technique whereby the toys are knitted flat in a rectangle shape and then stitched into a tube shape before being stuffed and closed. Any embroidery details on the clothes are added at this point.

The arms, head and waist as well as features such as ears and antlers are then defined with some clever stitching and there are step-by-step instructions and photographs showing how to do this.

There are also instructions for how to pick up stitches from the initial ‘tube’ of knitting in order to create clothing details such as skirts, ruffles and frills.

Knitters will love these small projects because they are perfect for using up your yarn stash as they only take small amounts of any colour - you can have great fun deciding which colours to use for each of the outfits.

There is some simple colourwork knitting on some of the characters’ outfits including the deer's stranded colourwork sweater, and the boy's apple sweater, and there are large charts for all of these designs as well as for the simple lacework design for the mouse's skirt.

The author uses common embroidery stitches such as satin stitch, French knots and stem stitch to add details to the clothes such as buttons and decorative designs, as well as to create the faces, and there are templates for these designs with instructions for how to transfer them to the clothing. There are also step-by-step instructions and diagrams for all the embroidery stitches used.

So, choose your favourite character and get started today but be warned: knitting these dolls is addictive and we guarantee that you won’t be able to stop at one!

Release date: 2024
Pages: 80
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 293 × 263 mm
Author: Juliette Michelet

Angol nyelven

Nyelv: angol

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