75 izgalmas, modern mozaikmintát tartalmazó gyűjtemény, amely horgolók és kötők számára egyaránt alkalmas. Minden minta tartalmaz fényképeket mind a kötött, mind a horgolt mintákról, ábrákat és írásos utasításokat.
A collection of 75 exciting modern mosaic designs suitable for both crocheters and knitters. Every pattern includes photographs of both the knitted and crocheted samples, charts, and written instructions.
Mosaic crochet and knitting is an easy, versatile colorwork technique allowing the maker to create stunning patterns without having to carry multiple strands of yarn per row. This technique allows you to create striking geometric patterns that can be used on everything from homewares such as blankets and pillow covers through to accessories.
Although it looks impressive, mosaic crochet and knitting techniques are easy to learn and fun to do. Mosaic crochet work is done with a combination of chain stitches and varying stitch lengths over a couple of rows, and mosaic knitting is done with a combination of knit and slip stitches.
There is a section at the beginning which looks at both mosaic knitting and crochet techniques with step-by-step photography and instructions so you can brush up on your technique. This is followed by the stitch directory which is grouped by theme including: Geometric, Aztec, Nature, Seasonal and General.
Every design starts with an introduction followed by a guide on how to mosaic knit and crochet it with colourwork charts and photography showing both knit and crochet samples. Each pattern has an ability grading (in hooks and needles) and they vary in complexity from very simple designs through to much more complex chevron and diamond patterns.
Release date: 2024
Pages: 178
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 190 × 246 mm
Author: Anna Nikipirowicz
Angol nyelven
Nyelv: | angol |
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