Ha az alap pálcákkal tisztában vagy, bátran belevághatsz a mozaik horgolásba! Csupán két eltérő árnyalatú fonalra és egy megfelelő méretű horgolótűre lesz szükséged, hogy ilyen ultramodern, geometrikus mintákból álló takarókat, díszpárnákat, szőnyegeket, táskákat és egyéb kiegészítőket készíts. A könyv részletes útmutatót ad a mozaik horgolás megtanulásához, és 12 takaró leírását és ugyanezekkel a mintákkal 12 másik projekt leírását tartalmazza.
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Mosaic crochet is a cutting-edge technique that allows you to work two-colour patterns without having to change yarns in one row. You simply skip stitches in one row and connect them by filling in with the alternate colour two rows later. This produces incredible modern geometric patterns that look amazing as throws, blankets, afghans, pillows, rugs, bags and other accessories – using a much easier method than other crochet colourwork techniques. One crochet hook and two balls of yarn are all you need to get started.
While it might look complex, mosaic crochet is actually incredibly straightforward once you learn the basic techniques. If you can work a chain, a double crochet (US single crochet) and a treble crochet (US double crochet), then you can mosaic crochet (…and if you can’t, don’t worry, all the stitches you need are covered in the book). And what’s even better is that there are minimal ends to sew in because it works on a two-row method with the yarn carried up the side of the work.
In the only book on the subject, crochet designer Esme Crick of Red Sparrow Crochet, shows you how to make 12 bold, statement throws and then how to use the same pattern to create a further 12 spin-off designs for smaller projects, showing how using different yarn colours with the same pattern can create completely different results.
In Mosaic Crochet Workshop, Esme shares her skills, passion and gentle humour with you, so that you too can create beautiful throws and stylish homewares whatever your crochet level. And it’s not just about slavishly following a pattern, but about building your confidence to make these designs your own, exploring the possibilities of colour and being inspired to start your own design adventures along the way.
With full step-by-step guidance on the mosaic stitch, charts for all the mosaic crochet patterns, and 24 projects to make with full written patterns, this stylish modern crochet book will change the way you approach crochet colourwork forever and give you a wealth of beautiful throws and accessories for your home.
Release date: 2021
Pages: 128
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 216x280 mm
Author: Esme Crick
Angol nyelven
Nyelv: | angol |
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