Készíts egyedi csíkos moduláris takarókat ezzel az egyedi kombinációs módszerrel.
Create one-of-a-kind striped modular blankets with this unique mix-and-match approach.
Featuring 100 crochet strip patterns for modern striped blankets, this book opens up a world of design possibilities for crochet blankets, as you how you choose to combine the strips is completely up to you! Making modular blankets is not a new concept, but most books tend to focus on granny squares to do this. By crocheting individual strips instead, you can achieve a much more modern look, with pattern, colour and texture variations tailored to suit your individual style.
Each strip pattern is given in US crochet terms, with written pattern and chart for making a standard throw-blanket-width strip (40in/100cm across). Advice is given on adjusting the width of the strips for smaller or larger blankets. With chapters including Classic Stitches, Tapestry Crochet, Mosaic Crochet and Texture, this collection offers almost infinite possibilities to create unique striped blankets that are fun to work on as well as beautiful when finished.
As well as the 100 strip patterns, there are 5 example blankets showing different combinations of strips, plus additional ideas for using the strips in other ways, such as scarves, bags and homewares.
Release date: 2023
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 210 × 273 mm
Pages: 144
Angol nyelven
Nyelv: | angol |
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