Embroidery artist Hisako Nishisu invites you to try her new collection of elegant cross stitch designs, inspired by the beauty and simplicity of wildflowers and grasses. There are over 30 stunning motifs to choose from, so whether you admire the lily of the valley or the violet, or prefer to stitch the Japanese silverleaf, there is sure to be a project that will catch your eye.
After a gallery of beautifully photographed embroideries, a cross stitch overview is provided outlining the tools, materials and techniques needed for completing these charming samplers. This is followed by a clear, full-page chart for each design.
Once your floral sampler is finished, frame it and hang it for a beautiful addition to any room, or use the designs to add pretty motifs to your linens, clothing and accessories.
Embroidery artist Hisako Nishisu invites you to try her new collection of elegant cross stitch designs, inspired by the beauty and simplicity of wildflowers and grasses. There are over 30 stunning motifs to choose from, so whether you admire the lily of the valley or the violet, or prefer to stitch the Japanese silverleaf, there is sure to be a project that will catch your eye.
After a gallery of beautifully photographed embroideries, a cross stitch overview is provided outlining the tools, materials and techniques needed for completing these charming samplers. This is followed by a clear, full-page chart for each design.
Once your floral sampler is finished, frame it and hang it for a beautiful addition to any room, or use the designs to add pretty motifs to your linens, clothing and accessories.
Japanese Primrose 10
Japanese Thistle 29
Anemone Nikoensis 20
Japanese Wild Radish 25
Shepherd’s Purse 14
Annual Blue-Eyed Grass 2 1
Houttuynia 28
Violet 12
False Strawberry 24
Horsetail 13
Lily of the Valley 18
Veronica Persica 17
Narrow Leaved Vetch 16
Dandelion 11
Chinese Milk Vetch 22
Strawberry Saxifrage 26
Balloon Flower 40
Great Burnet 45
Pincushion Flower 41
Skunk Vine 42
Tatarian Aster 48
Spotted Bellflower 33
Japanese Snake Gourd 46
Wood Sorrel 30
Japanese Silverleaf 49
Chinese Plantain 34
Trifolium Repens 37
False Bindweed 36
Fringed Pink 38
Lady’s Tresses 32
Day Flower 44
Jumpseed 50
Inspiration Gallery 52
Project Instructions 59
Release date: 2020
Pages: 112
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 210x260 mm
Author: Nishiko Hisako
Angol nyelven
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Tanulj meg 50 egyszerű és dekoratív hímzésfajtát ezzel az igényes, könnyen áttekinthető kártyapaklival. Kiegészítés a Needlepoint: A Modern Stitch Directory c. könyvhöz
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