A negyven motívum az évszakonként megjelenő rózsákat és vadvirágokat, valamint a nektárjukat élvező méheket és pillangókat mutatja be.
DMC Eco Vita Crewel gyapjúfonal »»
Forty motifs explore the roses and wildflowers that appear season to season, as well as the bees and butterflies that enjoy their nectar. The designs here are exquisite, detailed, and artfully rendered. For those new to embroidery, detailed how-to illustrations are included. Visually striking with a design aesthetic that is simple and modern, each book in this series provides unique and beautiful projects and and conveys the sense of simplicity, joy, and enrichment that can be gained from crafting.
Release date: 2017
Pages: 96
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 210 x 257 mm
Author: Kazuko Aoki
Angol nyelven
Nyelv: | angol |
Több mint 100 kreatív öltés és technika a gobelinhímzéshez.