Készítsd el saját különleges zodiákus babáidat ezekkel az cuki amigurumi mintákkal a bestseller szerzőtől, Carla Mitranitól (Crochet Iconic Women könyvek szerzője). Az asztrológia még soha nem volt ilyen népszerű, és ezekkel a bájos csillagjegyek jellemzőit magukon hordozó babákkal ünnepelheted a csillagjegyed, és ajándéknak is ideális lehet.
Mindent, amire az amigurumizáshoz szükséged lehet, megtalálsz itt. »»
Crochet the zodiac with these crochet patterns for amigurumi horoscope dolls.
Create your own special zodiac dolls with these cute amigurumi patterns from best-selling author, Carla Mitrani. Astrology has never been so popular, and this collection of doll crochet patterns is the perfect way to enjoy your zodiac sign and to make gifts for all your family and friends to treasure.
Each of the zodiac doll crochet patterns draw on the symbols of the star sign that they represent and reference their character and personality traits. For example, Taurus is carrying a pot plant to symbolise their love of gardening. So, whether you're a passionate Scorpio, a serious Capricorn, a hard-working Virgo or an extroverted Sagittarius you will find a doll for you. Enjoy finding out about your ruling planet, the element of your star sign, your birth stone, lucky colour and more. There are fun explanations of which signs are the most compatible for love and friendship.
These amigurumi patterns are easy to follow and fun to make. There are step-by-step instructions and photography for the more advanced techniques and stitches. Carla has included plenty of her tips and tricks to ensure that you get the best finish possible for your finished dolls. The dolls are pocket-sized (measuring 14cm/6 inches), so they are a great way to use up your scraps and make the perfect portable project.
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