Unod már a nagyinégyzeteket, de szereted a minta egyszerűségét és variálhatóságát? Horgolj nagyi hatszögeket! Ebben a könyvben 10 különböző hatszög mintát találsz, amelyekből 20 nagyon kreatív projektet készíthetsz el a ruhadaraboktól kezdve, a lakásdekoron át, egészen a játékokig.
Hello Hexie – See granny hexagons in a whole new light with this inspired collection of modern crochet patterns.
Hexagons are quick and easy to make and can be combined in a myriad of ways to create a huge range of projects – from garments and accessories to home décor and even toys.
In this unique collection, popular crochet designer Sarah reveals 10 crochet hexagon patterns and 20 step-by-step projects that you will be itching to stitch thanks to their simplicity and creativity. This refreshing twist on the classic granny square will get you excited about the possibility of the humble six-sided polygon and how it can be used to create gorgeous projects… one little hexie at a time.
Hello Hexie is written by Sarah Shrimpton. Sarah Shrimpton is the author of the Modern Crochet Bible, Supersize Crochet, and the Beginner’s Guide to Crochet. She designs patterns for magazines, yarn manufacturers, and her Etsy shop, and blogs under the name Annaboo’s House, where she has won several awards. She has over 56,000 followers on Instagram and is a leading British crochet influencer.
A wide range of projects from garments and accessories to home décor and toys, all made using simple crochet techniques.
Projects are built up in a modular way – individual modules are portable, great for using up scraps, and easy to fit into small pockets of time.
A selection of hexagon projects to enjoy and so much more.
Release date: 2021
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 203 x 203 mm
Pages: 128
Angol nyelven
Nyelv: | angol |
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