Includes an eclectic collection of crochet and knitting patterns, as well as sewing projects from talented bloggers and designers from around the world. Choose from a trio of cute birdies to sit on your handle bars, a multi coloured crocheted saddle cover and a vintage fabric dress guard to protect your favourite outfit. Also features crocheted bunting (with bells!!) for your basket and a super cool crocheted cover for your helmet - cycling just got crafty!!
So, what are you waiting for? Get on your bike and start crafting!
Release date: 2014
Pages: 128
Finish: Paperback
Dimensions: 216 x 220 mm
Author: Shara Ballard
Angol nyelven
Nyelv: | angol |
Tanulj meg 50 egyszerű és dekoratív hímzésfajtát ezzel az igényes, könnyen áttekinthető kártyapaklival. Kiegészítés a Needlepoint: A Modern Stitch Directory c. könyvhöz