Versatile, stylish and sustainable, this stunning collection of patterns includes snuggly mittens and beanies as well as chunky sweaters, flattering dresses, cool summer tops and even a zipped skirt.
Bursting with Nordic charm and elegance, and the perfect antidote to fast fashion, every garment in this book has been lovingly designed to last.
A Knitter's Year will see you through four seasons of clothes to make for your whole family; each piece is lovingly designed by the author, Ida, who is shown throughout the book, modelling the garments, along with her family, in their native Norway.
The clothes include jackets, jumpers and skirts for adults, as well as cosy winter gear for the children.
A Knitter's Year features 30 projects, so you'll never be wanting for inspiration, whatever the season. Some projects are new and exclusive to the book, and all designed with love by Ida herself.
Grey gloves, Grey winter hat, Thick winter sweater, Classy pencil skirt, Urban sweater for women, Warm winter scarf, Urban sweater for children
Permafrost sweater, Chunky knit sweater, Fawn sweater, Fuzzy cardigan, Cropped t-shirt
Nordic summer top for children, Tube top, Midsummer culottes, Cropped-sleeve summer top, Nordic summer vest
Retro button-down dress, 'Northwest' vest top, Airy summer dress, Cardigan, Chunky sweater, Urban sweater for men, Coarse cardigan 'smoking jacket', Turtleneck sweater, Musk jacket for children
Release date: 2023
Pages: 200
Finish: Hardback
Dimensions: 216 × 280 mm
Angol nyelven
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Te melyik vagy? Pest vagy Buda? Merinó vagy alpaka? Ennél a mellénynél nem kell választanod!
Az 52 Weeks of Socks újabb 52 zokni mintáját tartalmazó modern gyűjtemény a finn Laine magazin Nordic Knitting szakértőitől.
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